If you are ready to talk about establishing a counseling relationship, we are eager to help.

In order to begin understanding your situation and to determine the best way to help, we ask that you provide background information and sign a professional counseling agreement. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Download

Download the following form files (in Microsoft Word format):

Step 2: Fill Out

No need to print anything out! Read carefully and type the requested information into the electronic document, “sign” where instructions indicate (an electronic signature is acceptable – you do NOT have to print or scan a real signed sheet of paper).

Step 3: Upload

Return the completed documents by using the form below to upload them to our secure system:
(If you have any trouble submitting the documents, please download them, attach them to an email and send to . )

    (* = required item)
    Best Phone / Type
    Time Zone
    Upload Counseling Application file
    Upload Professional Agreement file

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